Ellen: Before meeting Luis Devos Trainer, my life was different. I had been struggling with my weight for more than ten years. When I was younger, I didn't care much about my weight. But as I got older, moved in with my partner, and started working long hours, things changed. We didn't pay attention to what we ate, and slowly, we gained weight without realizing it...
Can you tell us a bit about your past?
Ellen: When I was pregnant with my first child in 2019, I gained a lot of weight, and it didn't go away easily after giving birth. I tried a program called Bodystyling and lost some weight, but then I gained it back during my second pregnancy. Balancing work, being a mom, and not having much time for myself made it hard to focus on getting healthier. But eventually, I decided I didn't want to feel unhappy and tired anymore. I started working on my weight again and even learned more about food during the lockdown. However, I realized I needed more help to make a real change. Then I found Luis Devos. He seemed nice and knowledgeable, so I decided to work with him. It wasn't always easy, especially doing it online, but I got used to it.
Was online training challenging for you? What were your goals?
Ellen: When I first started my fitness journey with online coaching, I faced a big challenge: being unsure if it could really work. I wasn't sure if I could learn properly without a coach physically present. However, you, as my coach, made the distance feel small. Even though I had to go to the gym alone, your app guided me through the program. It explained everything clearly, from new words like 'reps' to how to do each exercise. With your help, I gained confidence every time I went to the gym.
I had specific goals in mind. I wanted to be the healthiest version of myself, both physically and mentally. I also wanted to set a good example for my kids by showing them the importance of exercise and healthy eating. One of my main physical goals was to run without getting hurt, and I also wanted to learn to listen to my body better.
How do you feel now after working several months with me?
Ellen: Now, I feel strong and proud of my body. Coaching has been crucial in helping me reach my health goals. It's not just about achieving goals but about constantly improving. You, as a coach, are very flexible and helped me adjust my program as needed. You helped me regain confidence, taught me about nutrition, and made sure I understood fitness terms and techniques. I've quit bad habits like smoking and junk food, and I take better care of myself. You taught me the importance of pushing my limits while also listening to my body and taking rest when needed. The coaching has improved my overall development, showing how everything connects.
Would you recommend others to start training with LD Fitness Trainer?
Ellen: Absolutely! The collaboration has only brought me benefits. Who wouldn't want to become their fittest self in a welcoming, safe space? With your help, I've achieved things I never thought possible. But there's always room for improvement. Once I've reached my physical peak, I want to learn how to maintain it. Life is about learning and growing, and I hope to inspire others with my story.